The GIAHC Young Leaders (GYL) program (40 and younger) is a student/researcher-run program with supervision from GIAHC physician members. The program provides a global platform for young advocates to network and exchange knowledge regarding HPV cancers with a focus on cervical cancer, and to take action to eliminate these cancers.
The GIAHC Young Leaders (GYL) program (40 and younger) is a student/researcher-run program with supervision from GIAHC physician members. The program provides a global platform for young advocates to network and exchange knowledge regarding HPV cancers with a focus on cervical cancer, and to take action to eliminate these cancers.
Express ideas through creative means, including social media campaigns and artistic works
Network with other advocates to exchange knowledge regarding HPV and cervical cancer
Collaborate with global agencies on cervical cancer elimination initiatives
Educate members of their own communities on the importance of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention
Meet Our Team
- We are thrilled to welcome the GIAHC Young Leaders’ group, who, along with their mothers and aunts, visited Capitol Hill and the White House to advocate for eliminating HPV cancers. This event, part of the Healthy Girls, Healthy Women 2024 initiative, was organized by HPV Cancers Alliance. Please see the flyer for details.
- GIAHC leaders join vaccine ambassadors to raise funds for Surinam.

GYL members presented a poster for the AMWA LEADS conference titled Instagram as a Tool for Increasing Awareness for HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening: A Content Analysis of Related Posts.

Partnered with Kellogg Sister’s Corona Quilt Project to link our experiences to those of others during Covid -19, to build a web of healing inspiration, belonging and positive action. It is made up of squares created by people/organizations from around the world, courageously giving voice to our experience. The project was presented at a webinar during the HPV Prevention Week

- Participated in a World Health Organization (WHO) event at the Women Deliver (WD) Conference.
- Partnered with Basic Health International (BHI) for a run/walk for cervical cancer awareness campaign in New York, NY.

Partnered with the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) for the first HPV Awareness
Day. Read more about GIAHC’s latest work and see a new video produced by the Young
Leaders Program in GIAHC’s newsletter.

In honor of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Aseemkala and GIAHC presented the voices of patients in a Dance-Medicine Narrative. Click here to watch. A short clip of the video was played by Dr. Krishnan during her presentation at the International Papillomavirus Society Conference in Cape Town, South Africa in February 2017.

Partnered with Jo’s Trust, UK, in the #SmearForSmear campaign, a worldwide social media campaign to raise awareness about cervical cancer. The campaign had the objective of engaging everyone in cervical cancer prevention, by encouraging and reminding women to get their routine Pap smear.

Partnered with AMWA students to develop an interactive PowerPoint presentation designed for medical, nursing, public health students/staff, school nurses/teachers, to present to middle and high school students and in other appropriate community settings.
This goal of this presentation is to educate and empower the younger generation, (boys’ girls and the LGBTQIA community) with scientific knowledge regarding the benefits of HPV vaccination. Games, videos and translations in Spanish are also included.
The PowerPoint presentation fits well within a classroom period. A script for the presenter, a game/quiz and an inspirational video are included. This presentation can also be tailored to the needs of other programs as well and is updated regularly.

Rachel is a medical student at UMass Medical School (Class of 2022) who is passionate about improving access to care for underserved populations. As a medical student, she became interested in cervical cancer prevention when she learned that many of the patients at her local free medical programs had no access to HPV vaccination or cervical cancer screening. She now works within her own community to study barriers to cervical cancer screening among different populations and within the global community to promote awareness for prevention of HPV-related cancers. Her other areas of focus within the medical field include combating human trafficking and healthcare policy reform, and she is an active leader in Physicians Against Trafficking Humans (PATH), AMWA’s Advocacy Committee, and the Massachusetts Medical Society. She plans to match into family medicine so that she can form trusting relationships with her patients, provide care across generations, and address the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health within a community.

For the past five years, Prarthana has specialized in vaccine communications and advocacy. She currently works at the Johns Hopkins International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) on various policy and advocacy projects. Prior to public health, she worked for five years in academia conducting microbiology and immunology laboratory research. She received her Master of Science (MS) in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland and her Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Global Disease Epidemiology & Control from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she also earned a Certificate in Vaccine Science & Policy. With GIAHC, Prarthana leads a team of young members to develop and maintain technical content, as well as provides strategic advocacy and communications input on GIAHC projects.

Dr. Reid Mergler is a Psychiatry Resident at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, NY with a particular interest in women's mental health. She previously led the GIAHC Young Leaders Program and received the 2019 HPV and Cervical Cancer Champion Award. She has a lifelong passion for women's health and wellness. During undergrad at Cornell, she conducted research on the cognitive effects of PCOS and she studied abroad at the WHO in the department of Reproductive Health and Research. At the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she was very active in the American Medical Women's Association and GIAHC. After graduating in 2019, she completed her intern year in OBGyn at Montefiore in the Bronx, NY. Now, in Boston, she is enjoying psychiatry with the hope to pursue a fellowship in Reproductive Psychiatry.

Shilpa Darivemula, MD, MS is an Obstetrics and Gynecology resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. She received the Shobha S. Krishnan HPV and Cervical Cancer Champion Award in 2018 for her work as the Arts lead for Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer. Her passion has remained with blending classical and cultural arts, medical humanities, and women's healthcare. She co-founded and runs the Aseemkala Initiative, an organization that uses classical Indian dance and other cultural arts to improve health equity for women. She currently is the co-lead of the AMWA Dance and Theater Arts Task Force and a Vivian Shih GME Scholar.

This club gives an opportunity for graduating team members and others young leaders and volunteers to continue to play a proactive role in GIAHC’s mission for as long as they want.

Reid Mergler
Dr. Reid Mergler is a Psychiatry Resident at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, NY with a particular interest in women's mental health. She previously led the GIAHC Young Leaders Program and received the 2019 HPV and Cervical Cancer Champion Award. She has a lifelong passion for women's health and wellness. During undergrad at Cornell, she conducted research on the cognitive effects of PCOS and she studied abroad at the WHO in the department of Reproductive Health and Research. At the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she was very active in the American Medical Women's Association and GIAHC. After graduating in 2019, she completed her intern year in OBGyn at Montefiore in the Bronx, NY. Now, in Boston, she is enjoying psychiatry with the hope to pursue a fellowship in Reproductive Psychiatry.

Shilpa Diruvemula
Shilpa Darivemula, MD, MS is an Obstetrics and Gynecology resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. She received the Shobha S. Krishnan HPV and Cervical Cancer Champion Award in 2018 for her work as the Arts lead for Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer. Her passion has remained with blending classical and cultural arts, medical humanities, and women's healthcare. She co-founded and runs the Aseemkala Initiative, an organization that uses classical Indian dance and other cultural arts to improve health equity for women. She currently is the co-lead of the AMWA Dance and Theater Arts Task Force and a Vivian Shih GME Scholar.

Anita Krishnan
Anita Krishnan is an investment banking associate at Cain Brothers-San Francisco, a pre-eminent healthcare investment bank. She graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University in 2013 with a BA in Economics and Mathematics. During her time at Barnard, Anita served as the treasurer of The HPV Education and Outreach Project. In addition, Anita is involved in working with young women, in the areas of education and health care. Anita is highly interested in getting businesses and companies involved with local social causes. She strongly supports GIAHC’s objectives and looks forward to utilizing her experience and interests in encouraging others of her generation to get involved.