Session 1: Thursday, June 29, 10-11 AM EST
It’s Up To Us: Race to end HPV- cancers starting with cervical cancer.
Session 2: Wednesday, July 12, 9 – 10.15 AM EST
GIAHC will be leading a virtual global dialogue series on It’s Up to Us: Race to End HPV- Cancers
starting with Cervical Cancer. We are excited to be joined by experts and experienced speakers
in the field from around the world to further our goal of raising HPV awareness. Young leaders
will also be joining these dialogues showcasing their work through presentations and via social media and various art forms. We look forward to you joining us at these informative sessions.
These sessions are designed to inspire individuals and organizations who want to learn more about HPV awareness and the cervical cancer elimination movement and the tools and resources that are available to get involved.
Media release
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Session 1
GIAHC is proud to be a part of Rwanda’s cervical cancer elimination success story.
Who we are
Side Event - In person
Date: Tuesday, 18 July 2023
11:30 am - 1:00 pm CAT
Location: Kigali Convention Center - Room MH 2.2
A future without cervical cancer: Engaging communities for HPV vaccination
The momentum of the cervical cancer elimination agenda, and the potential of recent paradigm shifts, such as WHO’s single-dose recommendation for the HPV vaccine, create an imperative for collective action and engagement across global health, women’s rights and the cancer community. This interactive session, co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, GIAHC’s member partner Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) will engage panelists and the audience, to catalyze action, helping to ensure that all girls and women can benefit from these game- changing interventions. Please join us at this session as several of our global dialogue series speakers will also be present.
Side Event - In person
Date: 19 July
Time: 7:00 am - 8:30 am CAT
Location: Kigali Marriot Hotel - Ruhondo Room
Getting to 70% - accelerating availability of HPV screening
Globally, one woman needlessly dies every 2 minutes from cervical cancer. Even though preventive and treatment measures exist, they are not available at scale in the regions with the highest burden of disease.
One of the key drivers of inequity in cervical cancer screening is the limited access to high performance tests for HPV. HPV screening allows for early detection of the cancer causing strains of the virus, further assessment of HPV positive women to determine whether they have any precancerous lesions and for treatment of those with lesions to prevent further progression to cancer. Making HPV testing widely available and affordable could expand access to more women at lower levels care. HPV testing also offers the option of self-sampling, where a woman collects her own vaginal sample using a swab either at home or in a facility. This has been shown to be more acceptable and preferrable to a pelvic exam by women without compromising quality of sample collected and therefore offers choice to women and flexibility to the design of screening programmes. HPV screening is limited particularly in LMICs in part due to limited awareness, high costs and limited investment.
The main objectives of the event are:
– To examine the state of HPV screening in high burden countries and the barriers to scaling up.
– To understand preferences of women and the role of HPV screening, from the perspective of survivors.
– To act as a call to action for governments, funders, policy makers and advocates to make HPV screening widely available and affordable.
The format of the event will be a scene setting presentation, followed by a panel discussion in an informal fireside chat format with an interactive audience engagement component enabling live interaction with the panel and then an open Q&A.
Side Event - In person
Date: 20 July
Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am CAT
Location: Room AD 10-1
Empowering women and communities in cervical cancer prevention and treatment
This session will provide a forum for sharing experiences and catalyze collective action in promoting women’s empowerment to take control of their health, in this context of cervical cancer prevention. We hope to prompt participants to reframe their thinking on who takes leadership in women’s health, encouraging active participation of the clients/women in cervical cancer prevention. Additionally, the structure of the session provides space for open discussion and exchange of ideas across countries.
Session format: Interactive Dialogue
GIAHC Young Leaders at WD 2019
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