Get Involved
Are you interested in HPV and cervical cancer prevention and want to keep up with GIAHC and our work? Then sign up to become a GIAHC champion. You will receive periodic updates on our work as well as news in the field of cervical cancer prevention. You may unsubscribe to our emails at any time.
If you are interested in the GIAHC Young Leaders program, please check that option below.
Simply enter your name and personal email address below and click “Subscribe.” You will then be required to opt in via a confirmation email before you are added to the list.
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Our goal is to provide a meaningful experience to those who get involved in our mission. We believe that you will find great purpose in being a part of ending the very first cancer from the face of this earth, namely cervical cancer- a disease of disparities and inequities. In addition, you will have the opportunities to raise awareness about several other HPV related cancers that affect millions of people of all genders across the world. Join us in this extraordinary journey! It is easy and simple, and together, we can make a greater impact.
There are many ways in which you can get involved. Here are some samples:
We welcome artists and other creative people to help to us raise awareness as a first step towards elimination of cervical and other HPV-related cancers.
Are you an outdoor enthusiast? If so, organize an event for HPV and cervical cancer awareness.
Do you have a talent that you can harness to raise awareness to support GIAHC?
GIAHC Champions Facebook Group
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How about screening the extraordinary film of the epic journey of Michele Baldwin (Lady Ganga) down 700 miles of the Ganges river in India to raise
awareness about cervical cancer?

Click Play Button to Watch the Movie
Do you have a talent through which you believe you can help our cause? Create awareness about HPV and cervical cancer prevention in your community by hosting your own unique event. From arts to outdoor activities to entrepreneurship, the options are endless.