Michele Baldwin (Lady Ganga)- GIAHC STORY
Michele did not want other women to go through what she was experiencing. She chose India to start her legacy. She had visited this country as a teenager and had fallen in love with its sights and sounds. The needs and the opportunity to help stuck in her mind. Her resolve was further strengthened after reading my book, The HPV vaccine Controversy: Sex, Cancer, God and Politics (Praeger 2008) and learning that India had the highest number of cervical cancer cases in the world (it carries 25% of the world’s burden of this disease, with a young woman dying every 7-8 minutes from it), Michele decided to take a paddleboard expedition named ‘Starry Ganga’ down the Ganges river to fulfill her wish and support our organization’s mission: “Saving lives from cervical cancer, one woman at a time, one day at a time.”

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Lady Ganga Trailblazer Award
In honor of Michele’s selfless sacrifice to help other women, and to keep her pioneering spirit alive, GIAHC has launched the Lady Ganga Trailblazer Award.
The award is presented in memory of Michele Baldwin (Lady Ganga), a pioneering spirit who paddle-boarded 700 miles of the Ganges river in India with terminal cervical cancer to raise awareness about this disease.
The award celebrates those who have demonstrated exceptional creativity in proposing and executing impactful grass roots approaches to raising awareness about HPV and HPV-related diseases, HPV vaccines, cervical cancer screening and early treatment. Their contributions may be artistic, academic, social, cultural, economic, technical or media related.
Upon consultation with select international collaborators and partner organizations, GIAHC invites a few individuals to apply for the award.

Miriam Cremer, MD, MPH, President and Founder Basic Health International (BHI), was the recipient of the 2019 award. Miriam has provided outstanding guidance and leadership to the organization and has solidified BHI as a leading voice in the fight to eradicate cervical cancer. Click here for more details.

The 2018 Lady Ganga Trailblazer Award was presented in honor of Michele Baldwin (Lady Ganga) by Dr. Krishnan at the 32nd International Papillomavirus Society conference in Sydney on Friday, October 5, 2018. The award was shared between Drs. Silvia San Jose, President, IPVS and Joel Palefsky, Chair, HPV Working Group, IPVS. They demonstrated exceptional creativity in proposing and executing impactful grassroots approaches to raising awareness about HPV and HPV-related diseases by launching the very first International HPV Awareness day on March 4, 2018. Click here to see more.

The 2018 Lady Ganga Trailblazer Award was presented in honor of Michele Baldwin (Lady Ganga) by Dr. Krishnan at the 32nd International Papillomavirus Society conference in Sydney on Friday, October 5, 2018. The award was shared between Drs. Silvia San Jose, President, IPVS and Joel Palefsky, Chair, HPV Working Group, IPVS. They demonstrated exceptional creativity in proposing and executing impactful grassroots approaches to raising awareness about HPV and HPV-related diseases by launching the very first International HPV Awareness day on March 4, 2018. Click here to see more.